Team Triton


Our visionary co-founders are the driving force behind Triton Submarines.

Patrick Lahey
Patrick LaheyCEO & Co-Founder
Bruce Jones
Bruce JonesRetired CEO & Co-Founder

Leadership Team

The leadership team is comprised of exceptional individuals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to the company.

Ron Stamm
Ron StammGeneral Manager
Elizabeth Zaruba
Elizabeth ZarubaDirector of Business Operations
Sophie Bentham-Wood
Sophie Bentham-WoodExecutive Director of Marketing
Paul Moorhouse
Paul MoorhousePrincipal Design Engineer

Sales & Administration

A dedicated team able to help answer your pre-sales, promotional, press and service enquiries.

Ken Aldrich
Ken AldrichPurchasing Manager
Craig Barnett
Craig BarnettDirector of Sales & Marketing
Xavier Aguilar
Xavier AguilarLogistics and Supply Chain Manager EMEA
Tiffany Lantier
Tiffany LantierAccounting Manager
Charlotte Van Loo
Charlotte Van LooAccounting Manager EMEA
Brian Cornell
Brian CornellInformation Systems Manager
Alex Aldrich
Alex AldrichCRM & Digital Marketing Specialist
Jimmy Conlan
Jimmy Conlan Purchasing Administrator
Jason Peruzzi
Jason PeruzziInventory Manager
Sharon Wolfe
Sharon WolfeExecutive Assistant to CEO & Human Resources


With many of the world’s top submersible operators on the team, you can be assured that you are in safe hands. Whether it be support with an expedition, or advice on best-practice and procedure, Triton has the expertise to help.

David Stott
David StottWorkshop Manager
Marta Creus
Marta CreusService Manager EMEA
Joan Bigas
Joan BigasProcurement Manager EMEA
Paris Birch
Paris BirchShipping & Receiving
Steve Ulrich
Steve UlrichWarehouse Manager
Dave Ahlgreen
Dave AhlgreenElectrical Assembly / Tech
Tim Houseman
Tim Houseman Electrical Technician
Steve Chappell
Steve ChappellSenior Pilot & Mechanical Assembly / Tech
Frank Lombardo
Frank LombardoSenior Pilot, Surface Officer & Electrical Technician
R. Monroe Roos
R. Monroe RoosMechanical Assembly / Tech
Joaquin Ares
Joaquin AresProject Manager & Pilot Trainee
Richard Stott
Richard Stott Fluids Technician & Pilot Trainee
Chad Imboden
Chad ImbodenProduction Technician & Pilot
Shonna Vanarsdale
Shonna VanarsdaleFiberglass, GRP, & MBT Specialist
Roger Allen
Roger AllenMachinist
Kristine Mattson
Kristine MattsonService Manager
Santiago Gutierrez
Santiago GutierrezWarehouse Manager EMEA
Oriol Marce Canal
Oriol Marce CanalQuality Control Technician EMEA
Marc Diaz
Marc DiazMechanical Technician EMEA
Javier Gomez Guindos
Javier Gomez GuindosElectrical Technician EMEA
Marvin Poole
Marvin PooleHydraulics & HP Systems
Griselda Robledo
Griselda RobledoFacilities Services


A multi-discipline engineering team committed to producing the world’s finest submersibles.

Jarl Stromer
Jarl StromerCompliance & Quality Manager
Inma Ortigosa
Inma OrtigosaEngineering Manager EMEA
Hugo Morrero
Hugo MorreroQuality Manager
Adrian Bermudez
Adrian BermudezPrinciple R&D Engineer & Inventor EMEA
Andrey Likhanskiy
Andrey LikhanskiyMechanical Engineer EMEA
Ignacio Menarguez Fuertes
Ignacio Menarguez FuertesDesign Engineer EMEA
Sergi Quesada
Sergi QuesadaElectrical Engineer EMEA
Arthur Muttock
Arthur MuttockSenior Engineer & Project Manager
Ticer Pfeifer
Ticer PfeiferElectrical Engineer
Will Norman
Will NormanElectrical & Software Engineer & Pilot Trainee
Niko Pietrzak
Niko PietrzakMechanical Engineer
Cameron Copeman
Cameron CopemanMechanical Engineer