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Discover what makes Triton the de facto choice for filmmakers, scientists and other subsea professionals.
The reasons why subsea professionals – filmmakers, researchers, scientists and surveyors – overwhelmingly prefer Triton submersibles are numerous. Perhaps the single most important reason though, is dependability.
Our subs are designed to take advantage of the latest and most advanced technologies available to us, not the cheapest parts on the shelf. Our subs are carefully engineered for reliability and durability.
When it comes time for planned maintenance or running repairs, these can typically be carried out at sea using standard tooling and marine engineering know-how. It should be no surprise that Triton submersibles record industry-leading levels of uptime, meaning you get to spend more time subsea, on task.
The world’s first footage of the Giant Squid could only have been shot by Triton.
1,000 m 3 8,000 kg 12 hrs
The venerable TRITON 3300/3 MKII is the industry benchmark for professional submersibles.
Its large interior volume, generous payload and modular expandability options have made it the choice for documentary filmmaking. The BBC’s Blue Planet II, Galapagos, David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef, and many more were made possible by this submersible.
The TRITON 3300/3 is capable of taking a pilot and two passengers to depths of 3,280 ft (1,000 m). Advancements over the previous model include completely non-volatile Lithium battery technology, high-output LED lighting, expandable electronics modules, free-floating hatch technology and a completely new control system offering even finer fidelity of movement.

TRITON 4000/2 ABYSSAL Explorer
4,000 m 2 12,000 kg 12+ hrs
To celebrate Triton’s historic dives to the Titanic in August 2019, we are delighted to announce the TRITON 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer.
The TRITON Abyssal Explorer is the first in a new range of deep-diving submersibles to feature our revolutionary Gull Wing design, in conjunction with the world’s deepest diving acrylic hull.
Diving to depths in excess of 13,000 ft (4,000m), the TRITON 4000/2 Abyssal Explorer affords scientists and conservationists the most compelling tool for accessing abyssal depths, and, for example, the ability to monitor and record the deterioration of the world’s most famous wreck, the RMS Titanic.

TRITON 3300/1 Min. Displacement
1,000 m 1 2,100 kg 6 hrs
The TRITON 3300/1 MD is compact, lightweight and perfect for one-man television, filming, and observation missions. It is also suitable for salvage, rescue and other support tasks to depths of 3,280 ft (1,000 m).
Its diminutive dimensions belie its power, maneuverability and generous payload which allow it to perform roles that might typically require a tethered ROV.
TRITON 1650/3 Low Profile
The TRITON 1650/3 LP is a compact and lightweight, three-person submersible. The model was initially developed for the Leisure market, but can justly be considered for scientific missions where depth and payload are of less importance than vessel footprint and handling requirements.
The TRITON 1650/3 LP features many of the characteristics of our Professional-series such as an extensible electronics system and optically-perfect acrylic. It can optionally be fitted with interchangeable scientific equipment skids, cameras, lighting rigs, range-finders and scalers as required.
Professional Equipment Integration
Our subs are your platform. We enjoy a long history of working with the BBC, National Geographic, Discovery and NHK, and have optimized our submersibles for the practicalities of filming underwater. Triton offers comprehensive camera and lighting rigs that have made possible numerous flagship docu-series. The world’s first 4K footage of Titanic was shot by a Triton.
Whether you’re a scientist collecting samples, a researcher performing photo transects, a surveyor inspecting subsea structures, or a documentary maker tracking a new species, a Triton submersible is, without doubt, the best platform from which to do it.

Film & TV
Some of the world’s most iconic underwater footage was shot using a Triton submersible. Check our Made with Triton page for details.
Triton has a wealth of experience integrating broadcast-quality 4K, digital cinema, low-light and 360° virtual reality Cameras with our submersibles. In combination with with high-power LED lighting rigs and a flexible electrical system, a Triton is the ultimate platform for TV & Film production.
Triton have worked with some of the world’s leading marine scientists and, with their help, have developed a powerful platform for research.
Every Science Skid provided by Triton is bespoke to the goal of each specific project, but typically includes the ability to collect non-motile organisms, soft-bodied organisms, sediment samples, photo-transects & photogrammetry, CTD data, water samples and laser scaling tools.
Triton provides a suite of tooling suitable for the delicate task of archaeological research.
Typically, these capabilities include a small-scale fly-out ROV for wreck inspections, sample collections, bathymetry functions, bottom-penetrating & side-scan sonar, and 3D scanning capabilities.
Specialist Tooling
Triton submersibles are the perfect platform for numerous specialist activities that may previously have be accomplished by a saturation diver or ROV.
Triton has vast experience working with such specialist tooling, including 5- and 7-axis manipulators arms, cutters, grinders, cleaning and survey equipment. For further information about how Triton can assist with your subsea project, please do not hesitate to get in touch here.