The Spear’s Luxury Index 2020: Bruce Jones

From deep submersibles used for scientific expeditions to ultra-luxe personal submersibles designed by Aston Martin to futuristic creations, the CEO of Triton is spearheading some of the most exciting projects in the deep blue sea, and sits among the innovators featured in the Spear’s Luxury Index 2020.

Submarine-maker Bruce Jones has more than 33 years’ experience in the underwater transport world, where he first started as a consultant in the tourism industry. Back then submarines could take up to 48 passengers and dive to around 50 metres. He co-founded his own submarine firm in 1993 before going into business with Patrick Lahey, professional deep-sea explorer, setting up Florida-based Triton in 2007. ‘We really went from one model to where we are now – 12 models of deep submersibles and six models of tourist submarines,’ recalls Jones, Triton’s CEO….